camera club next meeting2015 AGM Report

Swinford Camera Club held our AGM on Wednesday the 21st of October. Chairman Louis Mc Nulty opened the meeting with a report on our previous years activities. Tom Regan gave us his detailed treasures report for the year gone. The Club account which is held in Swinford Credit Union is in good standing and paid out a small dividend for the financial year 2014/2015. Michael Maye gave his report on the activities of the club in the print media and through our social media channels.

The Chairman thanked the outgoing officers for their work in the club for the previous year. The club members present were then asked to vote in officers for the 2015/2016 club season. Louis Mc Nulty was proposed and seconded for Chairman for the coming year. Treasures position then went to a vote by club members present. Tom Regan was proposed and seconded for treasure for the 2015/2016 season. Secretaries position went to a vote and Angela Clarke was nominated and seconded for the position for the coming year. Michael Maye was proposed and seconded by club members for PRO for the coming year. Honorary President Louis Horkan Snr.

It was agreed amongest all club members present the the annual camera club membership fee would remain at €30 for the coming year. This will cover membership up until the next AGM on the 19th October 2016.  It was proposed by a club member, and agreed by all, that we have a photographic theme each month. Club members can then work on that them for the month and produce their results at the end of month. Novembers theme is “Colour”.

It was decided also that we would aim to have an exhibition of club members photos in the near future. We will collect members photos in the near future (and on an ongoing basis) where we will print, mount and put an exhibition on. This will be ongoing project and will grow through time. Details will be finalized over the next couple of meetings.

We have provisionally planned a club outing on Sunday the 8th of November. Location is not yet fully decided on but it will be within a 20 mile radius of Swinford. We will be using our own transport. We will confirm details at our next club meeting on Wednesday 4th of November.

All club members are asked to bring their cameras to the next meeting, iphone, pocket camera or dslr, whatever camera you have. We will be doing a hands on workshop on a different aspect of photography at every meeting.