Next meeting 20th April
Swinford camera clubs next meeting is next Wednesday the 20th of April. We meet as usual every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evening at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel in Swinford. New members as always is very welcome.
Monthly Theme
We hold a “monthly theme” here in the club and the theme for April is, “Animals & Birds”. The theme for March was “Flowers” and club members are reminded that you can bring your theme photos in at the next meeting. If you have any theme photos from any of the previous months, please do bring in those too. We publish the monthly theme every month on our Calendar page for easy reference.
Swinford 1916 Centenary Celebrations

Swinford 1916 Centenary Celebrations
As we mentioned last week, Swinford will be celebrating the 1916 Centenary on the weekend of 22nd to the 24th of April. All club members are asked to take part if you are available (camera club Hi-Viz to be worn). All clubs and groups in the community are taking part in some way. There are numerous events taking place over the weekend. Firstly, on Monday the 18th there will be a 1916 Historical talk in the Gateway Hotel. Callow native Marie Bohan will deliver a talk entitled “1916: The View From The West – Evidence from the Military Archives” at 8pm in the hotel.
Saturday: On Saturday April 23rd Swinford Comhaltas will be hosting an evening of “Memory and Music” beginning at 8pm in the Cultural Centre Station Road. This community event, which is free and open to all, will include music, dance, narration and song. It promises to be a great nights entertainment and not to be missed.
Sunday: On Sunday the 24th there will be a Commemorative Parade held after 12 midday Mass. Midfield Pipe Band through the town, concluding with a tree planting ceremony by Swinford and District Gardening Club. After the Parade, Swinford Court House will be open to the public. Swinford Handball Club will stage a handball exhibition in the alley at Sancta Maria at 2.45pm. A reading of The Proclamation will also be included in the itinerary of the day. Full details of the weekends itinerary can be viewed at
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