A meeting on Swinford Camera Club will be held on Wednesday 3rd July at 8:00 pm in Swinford National School at 8:00 pm
Meetings are held throughout the year on the first and third Wednesday of each month. New members always welcome especially beginners.

With the good weather spell now no one can have any excuses of not getting out there and taking photos. As they say “practice makes perfect” or in the words of one of my teachers “by our mistakes we learn”.

Don’t be afraid to take the mode dial off Program and try out the multitude of modes available now on modern cameras including the old reliables: Shutter/Aperture Priority, Manual. In this way you will be able to extract the maximum from your camera.

Take full advantage of the Creative Modes also and don’t forget that you can apply the in-camera filters on photos you’ve already taken. Most cameras now come with Mono, Sepia (old style)and a whole host of other filters.

Experiment is the name of the game, as I tell budding golfers who tell me they can’t use a Driver, I say to them “You’ll never get to grips with the Driver if you don’t take it out of the bag” Practice, Practice and more practice, it’s the same with photography.

As with most things in life, the effort YOU put in is many times directly related to the results.

Happy snapping,