Create An Action For Watermarking In CS2

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

How to create an action for watermarking in CS2.

How to create an action for watermarking in CS2. There are numerous different ways for creating watermarks in photoshop. Here is a simple way for creating an action which we will be able to use in batch processing. Tutorial on batch processing to follow this tutorial.

For this action, we are just going to create a simple text watermark. We will also include resizing and compressing the photo in the action, ready for uploading to the internet. Before we begin recording the action, we need to decide on a font, font colour and font size. We also need to decide on the image size and compression.

For this tutorial, we’ll pick a finished image size of 800px (long side), segoe print bold font, white font colour, font size 18px. We just picked these for illustration purposes. When saving the processed image we compress it about 75%. We find this the best compression, to reduce the file size without too much pixalation of the image. A 10Mb photo 4700 x 3200 when processed to 800 x 500 is reduced to about 65Kb file size.

Create an Action

Recording a new action may take a few attempts, don’t worry if you make a mistake. It took me a few attempts before I got it right! Then when I did, I forgot to stop recording!! First of all you’ll need to open an unedited image to start recording the action.

Create new action
create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Create new action.

Name new action

When you click on create new action, a pop up window opens to name your action and start recording. You can set up numerous different actions so it is advisable to name your action for easy reference in future (for example batch processing). There is no time limit when you start recording, however every movement is recorded, as well as any mistakes. We named our action Swinford Camera Club 2017 for this tutorial. We are now ready to begin recording our watermarking action.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Name your action and begin recording.

Resize image

First of all we’ll resize our image to 800px. Click on image, then image size. Change resolution from 300 to 72. Then change the image width to 800. The height will adjust automatically.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Change resolution to 72 & width to 800.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Image height changes automatically.

Text Watermark

Click on the text tool to add your text watermark. We find its easier to have your font, colour and size selected before you even start recording your watermarking action. It cuts down on a few steps and also cuts out possible mistakes! Tip: hold alt key while typing 0169 to create the copyright © symbol if you want to use it. Type your text (as per your action name!). At this stage you can also position where you want your watermark to show. We chose the bottom right for this tutorial.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Add text watermark.

Save Image

Click on File –> Save As. Select JPEG from the drop down menu and click save.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Save Image As JPEG.

Jpeg Options

Select JPEG options. We find 4 to be acceptable image compression giving maximum file size reduction. If your images are noticeably pixalated, you can increase this to 5 or 6 and will result in a larger file size. Click OK.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Compress image.

Stop Recording

Don’t forget to stop recording now that you’ve finished! You have now created your first “Action” for watermarking. You can set up various different actions, for example watermarks for different years. In our next tutorial, we will show you how to us this new action you’ve created to use in a batch process of photos. View the video of us recording this tutorial at the bottom of the page.

create a new watermark action in photoshop cs2

Stop recording now.

<!–insert video here–>


Posted on

February 3, 2017

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