Getting Your Camera Gear Ready For 2016
Here's some tips for getting your camera gear ready for 2016. As we get ever closer to 2016, here are some tips for getting your camera gear ready for 2016. A lot of people make new year resolutions at this time of year. Some are kept, most are not! Now is a good time...
Happy Christmas
Happy Christmas to all Swinford Camera Club would like to wish all our club members and everyone in the Swinford community a very happy and peaceful Christmas and a happy New Year. The camera club will be taking a break from meetings for the festive period and will...
Next Meeting 16th December
Camera Club Next Meeting 16th December Swinford Camera Clubs next meeting is on next Wednesday the 16th December. Meetings are held every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel Swinford. Our next meeting will be our last for this year. Its hard to believe...
ISS Flyover Ireland December 2015
The ISS flyover will be visible under clear skies in Ireland during the month of December 2015. A brilliant star like object will blaze across Irish skies tonight at 6:34pm chased by another bright object for just 1 or 2 minutes. The objects are the 100 billion euro...
Aurora Alert 6th December
Aurora Alert For The 6th December Advanced Aurora Alert 6th December. There is a vast hole after opening up on the Sun yesterday. This vast hole is spewing out a broad stream of solar wind, similar to when there is a large X class CME, Corneal Mass Explosion. NASA's...
Geminids Meteor Shower 2015
Geminids Meteor Shower 2015 The Geminids meteor shower 2015 will begin on December 4th next and will continue until December 17th. The annual Geminids meteor shower will peak on the nights of the 13th and 14th of December. The Geminids are one of the more spectculr...
Next Meeting 2nd December
Swinford Camera Club Next Meeting 2nd December The next meeting of Swinford camera club will be on Wednesday 2nd December. Club meetings take place every 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel. New members are always welcome. We would like to...
Next Meeting 18th November
Swinford camera Club Next Meeting 18th November 2015 Swinford Camera Club's next meeting is on next Wednesday evening at 8pm in the Gateway Hotel. All club members are reminded to bring their cameras. Also if you have any photos that you would like to show, please...
Photo Walk Washout
Sundays Photo Walk Washout! Today's photo walk was a total wash out! Normally you can dress for the weather, no matter what the conditions. Today though was very much an exception to that! Hopefully we can organise a meet up again for some Sunday in the near future....
Photo Walk This Sunday
Swinford Camera Club Photo Walk This Sunday 8th November Swinford camera club are holding a club photo walk this Sunday. We will be staying fairly local, around Swinford town and surrounding area. All interested Club members are asked to meet at the Gateway Hotel at...
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